The new and improved My Nintendo is looking better than ever. Purchase any digital (Wii U, 3DS and Switch) or retail game (Switch only) and watch your gold coin jar fill-up.

Many of us are accumulating gold coins but when can we use them for Switch rewards?
Where are the Gold Coin Rewards for Nintendo Switch?
However, if you’re like me, you’ve been waiting patiently to use your gold coins for Nintendo Switch Software. The issue is…there aren’t any. Wallpapers, discounts and full games for 3DS (and even Wii U) are there but Switch has still yet to make an appearance.
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Hang on…My Nintendo gold coins expire!
A major issue floating around forums right now, is the possibility of receiving a gold coin expiration notice before you’ve even had the chance to use them on Switch rewards! Losing a stash of gold coins is bad enough but what if you lose gold coins purely redeemed from Switch software…because you were patiently waiting for Switch rewards!?

Nintendo finally released full software in exchange for your gold coins. We’re seeing steady progression towards Switch software but will it be in time?
Should Nintendo temporarily stop gold coin expiration?
Make no mistake, Nintendo could be heading towards backlash if gamers gold coins expire before any Switch rewards are made live on My Nintendo. Should Nintendo completely remove expiration until well after Switch rewards make an appearance? Would there be any way for Nintendo to track and immunise expiration of all gold coins redeemed from Switch software?
Whatever happens, two things are for certain – Nintendo need to act fast and their first Switch rewards need to make an impact.
Let us know your thoughts by commenting below.