First, we highly recommend staying strong and searching stores for SNES Classic Mini pre-order allocations. Nintendo are still yet to finish supplying online and retail stores (they’ll at least manufacture up until the end of the year), so keep searching!

D4G recommend waiting for new pre-orders but if must head to ebay, please be aware of the following:
If you still prefer to pre-order the SNES Classic Mini on Ebay:
– Understand Ebay’s 30 day pre-order auction/sales rule – This means that any seller who is auctioning an item that releases in over 3o days from the point of listing, can have their item/s withdrawn from ebay. This means ANY SNES Classic Mini purchases on ebay right now, WILL be removed!
Ask yourself that if you were to purchase the console, then to have the sellers page revoked, would you still have buyer rights and purchase agreements for that item?’ (as the seller page/auction would no longer exist).
Remember to keep any seller communications, invoices and receipts saved, just in case.
Of course, basic ebay rules still apply. Check seller feedback (actually read through some of it, don’t just look at the percentages). Check the sellers shipping address and carefully read through the product description to make sure the seller is offering to post the item on release.
If you’ve already pre-ordered the SNES Classic Mini on ebay
– The page would’ve already been taken down (if not, it would be very soon) by ebay. Keep checking-in with your seller and if you can obtain any other form of sales proof from them (letter or other forms of email communication), this will help.
Also remember that major retails such as Amazon and Argos have made headlines due to their recent emails, notifying customers that multiple orders were reduced to just one-per-customer. What if the ebay seller you pre-ordered from were banking on receiving multiple SNES Classic Mini’s from one of these retailers? D4G advise that you communicate with the seller immediately and obtain confirmation that your pre-order still stands.
Once again, D4G would like to advise not to purchase from ebay until after the SNES Classic Mini has ceased production. Stay safe and enjoy the search (that’s half the fun!).
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