Fighting isn’t the only major part of a Final Fantasy game. Stocking-up on the right items, is just as crucial. Since we all have a good idea of how often you’ll be in front of them, lets take a closer look at the first shop in the Final Fantasy 15 demo.

Not only do shop interactions look amazing, they feel incredibly life-like, thanks to outstanding animations
Noctis’ first shop should be the Wiz Chocobo Post (if not, why the rush?). As tempting as it may be, don’t interact with him, right away. Instead, stand near the store and watch the shopkeeper. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with how realistic his idle animations are:
Square have done a fantastic job with NPC animations. The shopkeeper will sit and tap the shop counter as he looks around his post. He’ll sit up, adjust himself on the seat, adjust his jacket and then take a look around his stall. It’s incredibly life-like!
Let’s interact with the shopkeeper:
The animations still amaze. Now standing, he’ll react to your every request or purchase as he stands, fidgets and taps the desk. Square have gone all-out to make interactive NPC’s as life-like as possible. Cool little touches like this, add to the overall realism of Final Fantasy 15. A game we just can’t wait to fully experience!
Enjoy the clips and keep it at D4G for more amazing animations from FF15.
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