The PSVITA launched in Europe and the US in February 2012 (unfortunately missing a very popular Christmas release). With horsepower far beyond the 3DS and media features that truly make it the little brother to the PS3, we still see the PSVITA giving the DS a good fight. It simply has too much gaming potential. Don’t forget to check out our pre owned PS VITA games. We buy and sell!

The PS VITA has huge potential and you should already have FREE games for it!
PSVITA games you should already have….for FREE!
When Sony’s PSN came crashing down due to a security breach, Sony apologised to us gamers by offering us a very generous welcome back package. FREE PS3 retail games, PSN Exclusives and PlayStation Plus memberships were given away, but did you give a thought to your future PSVITA?
Four PSP games were given away within Sony’s Welcome Back Package. Remember, all of these games can be played on the PSVITA. So if you didn’t even have a PSP, you could actually download some FREE PSVITA games ready for launch!

FREE PSP/PSVITA games you could have downloaded. But UK gamers without a PSP, may have had serious problems...
Amongst the excitement of downloading our FREE PSVITA games, we did notice something very strange with the UK and US PSN websites. The US PSN clearly had a clickable graphic image for both free Welcome Back PS3 and PSP games. However, the UK store only displayed the PS3 Welcome Back graphics. This meant that if you were in the UK and didn’t currently own a PSP, you couldn’t download your FREE PSP games for later use on your shiny new PSVITA.
BUT…if you had a US account, you could easily sign-in and download your FREE PSVITA-ready games. We grabbed Killzone:Liberation and the awesome Pursuit Force. We were especially delighted with the US version of Pursuit Force, as the UK release had NO CHECKPOINTS throughout the levels. This meant if you died close to the end of a stage, you had to go right back to the very beginning and start over. It was a silly decision that potentially jeopardised sales of a superbly designed PSP game.

The original Pursuit Force is easily one of our best PSP games. Just make sure you download the US version (with checkpoints)
Thankfully we now have the US version (that HAS checkpoints throughout). So if you’re a UK customer and are wanting to purchase Pursuit Force, we recommend signing up for a US PSN account and downloading their optimised version.
If you’re currently trying to play the UK version and are getting frustrated, simply sell it to your local shop or bung it up on eBay. Then use that money to buy the budget priced US download version. Job done!
I think Sony should have some cool free PSVITA content in their PlayStation Plus sections
I wish I’d known that before I bought Pursuit Force for my PSP. But hey, at least I’ve got a good excuse to play it again…but this time with the checkpoint US version. Can’t wait! :o)
DAMN! Missed the boat on that! I never had a PSP at the time and was on the UK PSN, so I couldn’t download the FREE PSP/PSVITA games. Oh well, I’ll just have to pay £39.99 for them instead…WTF!
Tell me about it! £39.99 is a silly price for PSVITA games. BUT..look around and you can get some good pre owned PSVITA games. SD Cards will always out last DVD’s/Blu-RAY, so pre owned all the way!