The PS3 was the first next-gen console that gave us fully rechargeable pads, without the need of additional battery packs or charge cables. Although this was a good call by Sony, many of us will still need a spare or even a replacement. PS3 charger cables do seem to go missing from time to time and a main cause can be other household members mistaking it for other leads (we’d recommend labeling your cable!).

Sometimes our cables just get lost amongst other household leads. Sometimes they can even get thrown-out by mistake....or so we're told...
No matter how your PS3 charger cable may mysteriously vanish, you can always count on D4G to help its fellow gamer out. Not only can you buy PS3 charger cables from us, you can also buy longer PS3 charger cables that aren’t available anywhere else. It certainly beats having to sit right next to your PS3 as it charges.